captcha расшифровка

Картинки по запросу captcha расшифровка
Solving captcha расшифровка since day one
DeCaptcher is the oldest image-to-text service on the internet. It’s both human based and custom OCR based. We started as the first CAPTCHA-solving service many years ago Back in that day there was reCaptcha and different other CAPTCHAs. We were interested in the computer vision and developing the OCRs as a PoC of our findings. Yes, the SEO masters were welcome too. They were using different tools, like directory submission software. Later DeCaptcher first introduced автоматическое распознавание recaptcha OCR for testing purposes. It was fast, it was accurate. It didn’t last long, as the CAPTCHA changed quickly. Right now you can see that DeCaptcher is the home where OCRs are being born. Anyway, all these years we’ve been providing exclusive recognition quality and full support (e-mail, twitter, helpdesk, spring) for all our customers. Also, for the customers concerned about their privacy, we provide ultra-private payment options like WebMoney and Bitcoin. We have bonuses for our bulk customers. Only correctly solved CAPTCHAs are paid.
Math CAPTCHA bypass
Even not conventional text and math CAPTCHAs can be bypassed with DeCaptcher. You can send both texts, images and multiple images CAPTCHAs. Check our DeCaptcher API — you can find APIs in sources in the programming language of your choice, you can use our HTTP POST method or any of our DeCaptcher libraries.Hard CAPTCHA recognition
If the CAPTCHA you’re interested in is complicated or requires a fast recognition, you might find interesting that we create OCRs on demand. Customers can check their own history, which can be downloaded in a convenient Excel format. You can check every penny you spent.
DeCaptcher CAPTCHA solving service statistics

As you can see from the image, the CAPTCHAs are solved case-sensitive by default. Also, the quality is high. The overall quality is above 95%. And we’re still improving it. For the special fast recognitions we have the Priority payment. It provides you with the VIP access in times when the server is overloaded. And the Priority payments help to get your CAPTCHAs first class service! For the SEO software developers we provide the Affiliate — you can set your own CAPTCHA solving price and get profits from it indefinitely.
DeCaptcher prices
Стоимость определения $2 за 1000 изображений. Наименьший платеж $10.
Пожалуйста, примите к сведению, собственно что в случае если Вы пользуетесь готовый продукт (готовое к использованию ПО или же другой инструмент), то стоимость определения имеет возможность быть другой. В предоставленном случае стоимость определения уточняется разработчиком (или продавцом) программного продукта.
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